The Chicken of Tomorrow

The Adventures of Cthulhu, Zuul & Barbarella. They're chickens!

chicken before egg July 30, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — chickenoftomorrow @ 1:45 pm

Yeah we’re still here.  We’re getting married in two weeks so all our time is consumed with that , so no time for bloggin’!  Anyway, tiny update…

The girls personalities have really come out. 

Cthulhu is the Time Keeper, when it’s time to go to bed she starts peeping loudly at her sisters that it’s time for go to bed.  She spends most of her day sitting under the ladder in the shade, like some kind of chicken troll.   We think she will the the champion layer.

Zuul is the Chief of Security.  After they’ve all gone in the coop for the night, she will come out and spend about 10-15 minutes hanging out either just outside the coop or in the coop entrance, watching for intruders. 

Barbarella really really wants to be Mother Hen, but so far it seems she shares those duties with Zuul.  They often do a flying chestbump and chase each other around, trying to assert dominance.  I’m sure when they start laying they’ll have the pecking order sorted out.


still alive July 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — chickenoftomorrow @ 10:58 am

No we haven’t succumbed to the same fate as 90% of all blogs… abandonment. Just been busy.
We took the cobble off of Cthulhu a week after it got put on and returned her to her normal environment. It took her a few days to re-learn how to do her hobble-shuffle walking style. She had some trouble getting out of the coop in the morning for a few days as well, but seems to have figured out how to move around. She still has trouble getting on the high-roost in the coop at night… lately shes been sleeping on the ledge of one of the nesting boxes. She spends most of her days sitting under one of the ladders, in a nice shady spot. I think she’s frustrated with walking, so she takes it easy. One they start making eggs I think she’ll be the champion layer.
I’m a little worried that there is a bit of a rift between ‘thulhu and her sisters since she was isolated and returned to the flock, but Jenn says they huddle together in the mornings, and Barb & Zuul don’t pick on her at all. I need to stop worrying about things, ’cause it’s not good for my health.
We had a brief, minor heat wave in Portland for over the past three days, the temperature went over 95F each day. I shot two videos of the chickens panting (which is normal), will upload soon! k thx bai.